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Abandoned Ranchland in the Mountains of BC. Destination Adventure

Even in my early thirties, I am able to see just how fast time goes by, and how quickly we can be left behind. The world is progressing at such a rate that it is nearly impossible to keep up. Progress and technology is important, I do believe that, but the abilities our predecessors had is quickly becoming a lost art. Hunting, trapping, farming and living off the land, are all skills that should be highly valued, but are often found at the bottom of the priority list. Growing up in a remote small town, I was fortunate to learn the value of some of these skills, but unfortunately I don't posses many of them myself, though I do hope to learn and I always appreciate the opportunity to sit and talk with someone like Stuart.

I am happy I had the time to fit in a couple more adventures around my hometown, but I am so excited to finally be northbound and traveling again. I think it is so important to step out of your comfort zone as often as possible, because the less you do it the harder it becomes. I notice that the beginning of each travel season, I am quite apprehensive to get too far from the shop. It is not until I finally take the leap and put home in the rearview that I finally feel the freedom of the travel life, and quickly the confidence sets in again. These full season adventures take me far from civilization, and it is hard not to over plan, but rarely is there a problem that can't be solved with a bit of thinking and a basic set of tools.

The first leg north is a big one, but necessary because we have a lot of miles to cover this season, and traveling and filming takes a lot of time. The goal was Prince Rupert, but in typical Destination Adventure fashion, we got side tracked by an adventure opportunity. Having Emi join this season bring a whole new level of excitement for me, because I get to share my favourite places with her, and places that few people ever get to see. The Exchamsiks river is a beautiful view from the road, but getting to go up river and see the waterfalls and untouched landscape is an experience that can't be explained with words. I am so thankful to have this opportunity in my life to travel, and it has been an incredible adventure so far, but the highlight of course has been the ability to share it. Sharing it with all of you, and now with Emi, my journey seems to serve a real purpose. Thank you all for making that possible for me. This may just seem like a silly YouTube channel to many, but for me it is the culmination of my life's work, and I can't wait to see where it will continue to take us all.

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Swellfish: https://swellfish.co/DUSTINPORTER

Watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWWtwlJeTPcYouTube
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